About Us
The Healthy Schools Team 

Leeds Healthy Schools is part of the Health & Wellbeing Service, Leeds City Council Children’s Services directorate and has over 20 years of experience working in partnership with education settings in Leeds and beyond. Our mission is to empower schools to enhance the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Our service provides vital support to schools and settings, focusing on enhancing the health and well-being of pupils, staff, and the surrounding community. By fostering an environment that prioritises physical, social, emotional, and mental health, the service helps schools create a supportive atmosphere where students feel safe, encouraged, and empowered to reach their full potential.
The Healthy Schools Team comprises of a specialist team of advisers, with a proven track record of achievements, with a wealth of experience over many years.
What we offer 

Working closely with schools and partners, the service offers access to a research-backed, online School Health Check tool, designed to equip schools and settings with the resources to assess and enhance their health-promoting environments effectively. This School Health Check tool is accessible for use by schools locally, nationally and internationally.
Following a successful self validation Leeds schools can request an external validation visit. Contact your Healthy Schools advisor or schoolwellbeing@leeds.gov.uk.
For schools outside of Leeds, please contact schoolwellbeing@leeds.gov.uk.
East Sussex schools can request an external validation by contacting School Health One Point (SHOP) kentchft.esschoolhealthservice@nhs.net
We also provide advisory support, professional development and resources, across the following areas:
- Personal, Social, Health, Economic (PSHE) Education
- Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education;
- Healthy eating;
- Physical activity and physical education
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH);
- Sustainability, eco-friendly schools and climate education.
We also offer:
- My Health, My School (MHMS) pupil perception survey (available nationally);
- Youth Mental Health First Aid training (Champion and First Aider training available in Leeds);
- Youth Mental Health First Aid training (Mental Health Aware available online nationally);
- Senior Mental Health Lead training – DfE approved
- Leeds Healthy Schools programme, including external validations (available nationally);
- Investors in Pupils programme (available nationally);
- PSHE lessons: classroom co-delivery sessions (available in Leeds only);
- Leeds MindMate Friendly programme (available in Leeds only);
- Friendly and Champions programme (available in Leeds only);
- Pupil leadership programmes;
- Resilience programme and 1:1 resilience support for children and families (available in Leeds only);
- Opportunities to connect with a network of organisations and verified support services that can work alongside your school.
Supporting programmes
Asthma Friendly Schools Award - Becoming an Asthma Friendly School | School Wellbeing;
Healthy Schools Early Years programme - Healthy Schools Early Years;
Post 16 SEMH programme - Post 16 Healthy Settings;
Investors In Pupils - investorsinpupils.org.uk.
For guidance, teaching resources, policy guidance and toolkits visit - Home | School Wellbeing
For pupil perception survey visit - My Health My School Survey
Schools external to Leeds are able to purchase an external Service Level Agreement (SLA). A range of options are available which allows schools to tailor the SLA to suit their needs.
More information on our services can be found here
How we can help
Our extended service is available on a pay as you go basis or through a traded Service Level Agreement (SLA). You can find more information about this via our traded website Health and Wellbeing Services | Leeds for Learning
Other ways to get support:
- Please use this website - it is full of useful information and resources.
- Follow us on twitter: @healthyschools_
- Use the contact us facility.
- For our latest training courses visit Training & Events | Leeds for Learning
Meet the Healthy Schools Team 

Healthy Schools Consultants/Adviser

Supporting Adviser